Lava Arrow is hard bait. Cursed Elixir is ETS. Highlights : The Only Worthwhile Item. People are only restocking here for that. Highlights : The Only Profitable Items. Highlights : The Only Profitable Item. Shuriken restocks for 10k. Be fast. The moment it RSes, be sure to find the 10k, 5k, and 2. Books that stock above 20K and 10k books. There are ten rs here. Those are good, obviously. Some people just love clearing through a single usershop of these. This will be explained later.
Everything will sell eventually in reasonable pace, because collectables are just like that. The order to go for things is simple. Just go from rarest to most common, according to the chart below. Exceptions are cards that linger and stock too much. All rs which are notoriously rare. Yellow is r91 and above. Fire Paw and Kasuki Lu are notable. Highlights : Most Profitable Items. Misprinted, Holographic, and other rare stamps are good. This is home to the most experienced and fastest RSers.
This is the place to be on HPD. There are many items here that are worth over 3mil or so. Research full album pages and go for stamps that are on the bottom row. Avoid most if not all the 2. Neggs that reward Negg Points and Bag of Peanuts are the best items for newer accounts.
Also, Kads do not eat foods from here. Doughnutfruit are great! Highlights : The only items worth buying. Home to a lot of kawaii aesthetic gallery items. They were decent small profits in my opinion. Also, Kads do eat foods from here, just not Draik Eggs. Statues are the most recognizable. Bag of Infinite Puce Ice Crystal and Stone Drawer Tyrannian Furniture are presumably still glitched and will not restock despite their rarity and origin.
They restock under 2k and in bulk. Food, wearables, etc. If you just want the normal morphing potions, k should do. Although 10k items are good in most shops, Magic is an exception. Basic color MPs. Although, not all basic color MPs are profitable. Most Stat Boosters restock in bulk. Stat Boosters are very easy to sell with a large return making this shop quite enjoyable for beginners of all account ages.
Leaded Elemental Vial is the number one thing you need to go for. Welcome to TDN, guest! The Snowager Next sleep in 1h, 53m, 26s. Obelisk War: Truce Next cycle: 2d, 12h, 53m. Play Featured Game. Click here to enter the next round! The second. Shop's numbers If you are a restocker or are aspiring to become one , you'll probably love to know this!
Avatars There are currently 4 avatars that are shop related. Food Shop. Faerieland Petpets. Brightvale Glaziers. Magical Shop. Neopian Furniture. Brightvale Armoury. Toy Shop. Tyrannian Food. Brightvale Fruits. Clothes Shop. Tyrannian Furniture. Brightvale Motery. Grooming Shop. Tyrannian Petpets. Royal Potionery. Tyrannian Weaponry. Neopian Music Shop. Book Shop.
Hubert's Hot Dog. Lost Desert Medicine. Collectable Card Shop. Collectable Sea Shells. Battle Magic Shop. Usuki Land. Maractite Marvels. Defense Magic Shop. Food of the Lost Desert. Maraquan Petpet. Peopatra's Pet Pets. Geraptiku Petpets. Garden Centre. Sutek's Scrolls. Qasalan Delights. Neopian Pharmacy. Desert Arms. Chocolate Factory. Back to School Shop. Words of Antiquity. Battle Supplies. Faerie Weapon Shop.
Healtly Food. But an item that has a consistent history of being around 75, NP that sees a sudden jump to say, , NP, might be worthy of a warning. These guidelines do not apply to items inflated naturally due to time passing such as a retired item raising in price over time , or an event occurring such as Charity Corner pushing up the price of wearables. The spirit of our inflation warning guidelines is to prevent buyers from being ripped off with prices they shouldn't be paying. So if you think an item qualifies, don't hestitate to let us investigate.
Return to Options. Are there newer lots on the Trading Post that don't appear in our history? Let us know and we'll add the new lots when we can. Note: Since lots on the Trading Post come and go, we may or may not be able to catch the ones you found. And of course, we can only add what we find! Want to create your own wishlists for Neopets?
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Sloth Merch.