Where to find selective service system registration number

If you registered by mail, you should receive the letter in about 30 to 90 days. If you registered online, you should receive it within three weeks. The letter and card are your Selective Service proof of registration. Choose the option for receiving your own Selective Service number. You are required to keep your registration information up-to-date until you turn Contact the Selective Service System if:. If you've already registered but don't remember your Selective Service number, you may verify it online.

To do so, fill out this online verification form from the Selective Service System. If Congress and the president authorize a draft :. The Selective Service System will start calling registered men age for duty.

The men will be called in a sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. However, they must register within 30 days after being released if they have not yet reached their 26th birthday. Members of the National Guard and Reserve Forces, not on full-time active duty, must register.

Posts shall also give to the alien a duplicate copy, printed in both English and the language of the host country. Such aliens must present themselves to a U. Post Office designated to perform Selective Service registration within 30 days after entering the United States.

See 9 FAM A person who is a non-U. The Selective Service System is aware that access through the internet may be blocked for some foreign web servers. A registrant must be at least 17 years and three months old if under registration age, the registrant will be registered by Selective Service System when he reaches age Within three weeks after being registered, the registrant will receive a Registration Acknowledgement by mail.

Any correction that may be necessary should be submitted to:. You should keep a minimal supply of the following forms and brochures available:.

Mail-In : Some registrants may obtain a Selective Service System registration form in some other manner not involving the U. Instruct them to complete the form and send it directly to the Selective Service System at:. Change of Address : After he registers, a man is required to notify the Selective Service System within ten days of any changes to any of the information he provided on his registration card, like a change of address.

He must report changes until January 1 of the year he turns Registrants can use the Selective Service System address change, on line feature to submit a change of address. The Selective Service System has two online change of address sites, one for domestic U.

Once a registration is sent to the Selective Service System, it cannot be cancelled except by the Selective Service System. Following registration, Selective Service System sends various forms and communications to the registrant by the Selective Service System. Consular officers should forward any material received at post to the registrant as soon as possible. If you are 26 or older, it's too late to register.

If you failed to register by age 26 and are seeking benefits associated with Selective Service registration, click the link below to learn more about next steps. The law currently requires that only men register with Selective Service. In the event that the law is changed to include registering women, Selective Service is prepared to expand registration. If you are an immigrant man living in the United States, documented or undocumented, and are between the ages of 18 and 25, you are required to register with few exceptions.

If you are a military veteran or a military reservist, you are still required to register with Selective Service. However, if you served in the Armed Forces and are 26 or older, but failed to register, your DD Form is evidence that your failure to register was not knowing and willful.

Parents should help young men become aware of their civic and legal responsibilities.


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