This is the responsible officer name as provided in the most recent registration for the corporation or organization. Registrants are required to submit a monthly communication report for each oral and arranged communication with a designated public office holder.
The name of the most senior paid officer i. Note : Monthly Communication Reports are due on the 15 th day of each month for communications that took place in the previous month. Version 4 of 4 to Registration versions: 4 of 4: to 3 of 4: to 2 of 4: to 1 of 4: to Subsidiary: The corporation does not have any subsidiaries that could be affected by the outcome of the undertaking.
Other direct interests The corporation's activities are not controlled or directed by another individual, organization or corporation with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking. Was the corporation funded in whole or in part by any domestic or foreign government institution in the last completed financial year?
Results below are sorted by posted date, beginning with the most recent. No results found. Date Modified: RSL delivers the most academically rigorous, industry-relevant qualifications that support the aspirations of all musicians, performers, educators and teaching institution, and we are proud to have developed a positive and progressive relationships throughout Canada.
Join Rockschool's Music Teacher Registry and create your personal profile on our website. More visibility, more students. Name: Noel Wentworth Email: noelwentworth rslawards. British Columbia Application Click Here for application page.