Edit Close. Toggle navigation Menu. Close 1 of 2. KRT file photo. Anemia is a common blood disorder that can affect any age, race, ethnicity and gender. All rights reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy. Notifications Settings. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans — , people should consume the following amounts of iron, folate, and B each day.
Iron is given in milligrams mg , while the vitamins are in micrograms mcg. Scientists use this term because the body absorbs folic acid and folate differently. Below are some dietary sources of iron:.
Dietary sources of B include:. Dietary sources of folate include:. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Healthful sources include :. In some people, anemia requires medical treatment, such as a blood transfusion.
However, dietary changes and supplementation resolve the issue in most people. Most people take these by mouth, but a person with a severe deficiency may need to receive the nutrients intravenously. In very severe cases, a blood transfusion is necessary. Iron : Take these supplements with orange juice, as the vitamin C in the juice will help the body absorb the mineral. Iron supplements can cause side effects such as constipation , diarrhea , abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn , and black feces.
Vitamin B : A person with a deficiency may need a monthly injection, though taking supplements orally may be sufficient. Folate : A person may need to take folic acid supplements for 4 months, and they are available in pill form. Doctors often prescribe iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy. A healthcare professional can recommend specific dosages. When a health issue is preventing the body from absorbing nutrients, a person may need to take supplements for life.
Anyone considering taking a supplement should speak to a doctor first. Some supplements can interact with medications or have other adverse effects. Low iron is a common problem. Infants and toddlers are at risk of getting anemia from a low-iron diet. Not having enough vitamin B12 and folic acid can cause anemia as well. Some foods, like milk, can prevent your body from absorbing iron. Taking vitamin C can help this. Medicines, such as antacids or prescriptions to reduce acid in your stomach, can affect it as well.
People who are pregnant or breastfeeding can get anemia. Children younger than 3 years of age are prone to anemia. Their bodies grow so fast that they can have a hard time getting or keeping enough iron. Normocytic anemia can be congenital from birth or acquired from a disease or infection.
The most common cause of the acquired form is a chronic long-term disease. Examples include kidney disease, cancer , rheumatoid arthritis , and thyroiditis. Some medicines can cause normocytic anemia, but this is rare. Infection caused by a weakened immune system can lead to anemia.
You may be born with a condition that destroys or remove red blood cells. Examples include sickle cell disease, thalassemia , and a lack of certain enzymes. Having an enlarged or diseased spleen can cause anemia, too.
Heavy periods may cause low iron levels in women. Internal bleeding, such as in your digestive or urinary tract, can cause blood loss. This can be caused by conditions such as a stomach ulcer or ulcerative colitis. Other reasons for blood loss include:. Talk to your doctor if you think you or your child might have anemia.
They will do a physical exam and review your health history and symptoms. To diagnose anemia, your doctor will test your blood. This test is called a complete blood count CBC.
Based on the results, they may need to do other tests, such as testing your bone marrow. This can help confirm the cause of anemia or another health condition. You cannot avoid anemia caused by a genetic disease. You often cannot avoid it due to blood loss. If your blood loss is from heavy periods, receiving treatment can help prevent anemia.
This can help manage your levels and prevent anemia. A balanced diet can help prevent some types of anemia. Eat foods high in iron to prevent a deficiency. Vitamin C can help your body absorb iron. Try eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or juice, peppers, and broccoli. Some foods can make it harder for your body to absorb iron.
But they might order other blood tests to identify the severity of your anemia and how to treat it. They may also examine your blood under a microscope to provide more information, including:.
This may include blood tests for folic acid and vitamin B deficiency. Most cases of anemia caused by iron deficiency are mild and do not cause complications. However, if iron is not added back into your diet, it can lead to other health problems.
Anemia forces your heart to pump more blood to compensate for the low amount of oxygen. Heart failure or an enlarged heart muscle may occur if the iron deficiency is not reversed.
In pregnant women, severe cases of iron deficiency can cause a child to be born prematurely or with a low birth weight. Most pregnant women take iron supplements as part of their prenatal care to prevent this from happening. Infants and children severely deficient in iron may experience a delay in their growth and development.
They may also be more susceptible to infections. Iron tablets can help restore iron levels in your body. You may need to take iron supplements for several months. Iron supplements may cause constipation or stools that are black in color. Plant-based iron supplements may be tolerated more easily and cause less digestive symptoms. You should eat a diet high in iron-rich foods and vitamin C to prevent low blood-iron levels. Mothers should make sure to feed their babies either breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula.
Iron-fortified infant cereals are also available when babies are ready to start eating solid foods. Diets high in red meat, dark leafy vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, iron-fortified cereals, or bread can help treat or prevent iron deficiency. Foods high in iron include:.