I mean, the boat has the perfect amount of seats for everybody, how did he know Gloop and his mother wouldn't be joining them? We really have no idea what he'll do next. Some seem to think the scary boat ride is one of Wonka's tests, to see if there are any kids too fragile to end up running his factory.
If the film, or more accurately the original novel, wanted to illustrate that, there would have been an extra terrified tot, who'd wet himself, or jump into the water to escape, and be serenaded by the Oompa Loompas as he floated on his way. The only element that seems to support this appears to be that Charlie and Grandpa Joe are the only captives who manage to enjoy the ride.
There are, as there always seem to be, some fun fan theories. One suggests the tunnel is a form of deterrent for thieves, who would have to make it through the tunnel to get to the factories' secrets.
Who would brave all that for Slugworth? Not to mention how difficult it must be to navigate to the invention room in the pitch black.
What's appreciable about the scene today, outside of it being a very well judged mix of the unsettling and silly that introduces an element of intrigue at a junction into the film, is that it is so indelible. No-one forgets the scene, and whilst the images that flash swirl around, and out of order, everyone remembers how it felt. One just might go mad in the process.
Is the grizzly reaper mowing? Maybe gummies? Not my style. But will the internet kill me first? A recent deep dive into the visual aspect of the Wonka boat scene horrified me in new and disgusting ways. There is so much more at play here than overwhelming uncertainty and the reflective glares of a madman! How weird is that? How does this child know about freakouts? What exactly was in that original piece of gum?
Also, Violet Beauregarde is such a freak. This one is a big problem now that I moved to L. What would even be the gain in that? Have the Oompa Loompas built a tunnel across the ocean yet?
If not, what is their damage? According to Julie Dawn Cole , who played Veruca Salt, a few thought he might be going a little "loopy. Gene just kind of went off and we had not seen that side of him. Mesdames et messieurs, maintenant nous allons faire grand petit voyage par bateau. Voulez-vous entrer le Wonkatania? Ladies and gentlemen, now we're going to take a big little boat trip.
Do you want to enter the Wonkatania? In the tunnel scene of the original Willy Wonka film, as the paddle wheel boat enters the tunnel, the paddle is moving in the correct direction to push the boat forward. Inside of the tunnel it goes the wrong direction part of the craziness. The boat has exactly the number of seats needed for the people who need to board, meaning Willy Wonka expected to lose two guests by the time the group reached the SS Wonkatania.
As the boat sails faster and faster down the tunnel, a series of disturbing images begins to flash on the walls.
Paris Themmen, who played Mike Teavee, said in an interview :. We had no idea that Gene was going to read the poem the [way] he did. It was disconcerting. I thought What was the point of that, you ask? Why does such a tunnel exist in a factory [that] Wonka knew people would be too carried away with eating the scenery to the point Augustus was.
To prevent any further He could [have] easily built in lasers and security cameras, but in order to really find some candy worth stealing, you had to go through the tunnel. What better [way to subdue] potential thieves than to subdue them from the inside?